Minggu, 17 Februari 2013

No need to Drink Vitamin C If No

No need to Drink Vitamin C If No
No need to Drink Vitamin C If No

jakarta, startup malaise, vitamin c is needed to maintain the durability of the body. various studies have proved these benefits. however, recent research has shown vitamin c so pointless if not accompanied by exercise.a study conducted in finland is proving that the consumption of vitamin c showed no benefit in people who laze around or often termed couch potato. but if diligent exercise, vitamin c can lower the risk of colds by up to 50 percent.by involving 11,000 participants, research conducted the scientists from the university of helsinki is to compare the relationship between the consumption of vitamin c with the risk of minor ailments such as colds cough. physical activity the participants also compared.one of the participants in this study was a teenage swimmer who is cold. granting of low-dose vitamin c supplements apparently were able to speed up the healing process teens are up to 2-fold compared with the previous estimate of recovery."the failure of vitamin c supplementation in reducing the risk of colds in the general population show that its benefits have yet to be ascertained, but it is useful for those who are exposed to physical activity," said harri hemild and elizabeth chalker who do this research as quoted from the daily mail, saturday (16/2/2013).other conclusions drawn in this study is that children's responses to vitamin c better than adults. in children, vitamin c lowers the risk of colds by as much as 18 percent while in adults is only 8 percent.nevertheless, taking vitamin c is excessive is not without risk. a study published in the journal jama internal medicine showed that men who too often taking vitamin c supplements could have kidney stones.(ups/vit )
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