Senin, 04 Februari 2013

Wait for the home, buy Condoms can also Delivery Service

Wait for the home, buy Condoms can also Delivery Service
Wait for the home, buy Condoms can also Delivery Service

jakarta, with the condoms with sex free, though often awkward official couples while buying this birth control should be in a public place. fortunately there is a service delivery service or message transfer. but, roughly what it can afford to wait?famous durex condom company, together with creative agency buzzman made a breakthrough by opening the delivery service called sos condom. order different types of condoms will be delivered up to the house from 4 pm until 4 am.confidentiality is certainly warranted, and this is what will be the value of selling such unique services. many people will feel awkward when buying condoms in public places though for use with the official partner. therefore, losing popular condoms compared to other contraceptives like birth control pills.but what about the tunggunya? delivery service for fast food only occasionally feels too long when waiting for orders to come. if the reservation is late coming, condoms aren't it could damage 'foreplay' or warming up?"your order will be fulfilled within the same hour and condoms will be among a team of professionals," as quoted from buzzman pledge cbs newsmonday (4/2/2013).however, because dubai is located in the region of the middle east that is proscribed, sos service free sex condom is limited only to adults aged 21 years and above. not explained whether the clerk will check the id card before arriving at the customer destination.mail service between the sos is a service that uses a condom special application on your mobile phone. for now, the service is available in the beru dubai. to determine the next city, sos will open the survey on condom internet which can be followed by anyone.condoms alone do not serve only as contraceptives or pregnancy, but also the preventive means of protection or protection. a variety of sexually transmitted infections such as hiv (human imunodeficiency virus), gonorrhea or premenstrual syndrome and king lion or syphilis can be prevented by condoms.(ups/vta )
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