Selasa, 26 Februari 2013

This is how to Prevent Rising Excess Weight while pregnant

This is how to Prevent Rising Excess Weight while pregnant
This is how to Prevent Rising Excess Weight while pregnant

jakarta, many women are so eat while pregnant, but an excess of this condition can trigger obesity that endanger her and the fetus inside the womb also. here's how to prevent excess weight gain during pregnancy.prior to and during pregnancy, the woman should keep her weight to avoid excess and become obese. pregnant women who are obese are at risk of greater experience complications during well as these tend to make obesity a child conceived born with excess body weight and more fat that would increase the risk of obesity and chronic diseases later in life.several factors have influenced the incidence of obesity during pregnancy, including prenatal factors which includes the mother's diet, weight gain and metabolic disorders while pregnant, as quoted from medindia, tuesday (26/2/2013).after childbirth, diet, activity and family life style also determine the long-term health risks. for that thought eating for two (eat for two) either while pregnant or breastfeeding is not recommended, as it tends to trigger overeating.for that data must be equipped with a female measures of body composition, metabolism and endocrine or hormonal conditions in the body, so that it can provide more targeted nutritional advice, especially in women who are already obese before pregnancy.this is particularly important in preventing the development of the mass excess fat for the mother and infant health by itself in the future. this conclusion derived from the results of the workshop organized by the international life sciences institute (ilsi) fact, one only need about 300 extra calories per day in order to meet the nutritional needs of infants who are not yet born. pregnant women need to choose carefully so that the food is not excessive caloric intake.if you want to prevent obesity, most of the diet of pregnant women should contain nutrient dense foods such as lean meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts, eggs and seeds. as well as dining in small portions but the frequency was often.but pregnant women generally difficult to stop chewing, eating healthy foods can cemilannya such as yoghurt with fresh fruit, peanuts with raisins, fresh fruit, baby carrots, cheese and crackers, wheat and boiled eggs.pregnant women can carry this healthy snack when travelling out of the house, so don't be tempted to buy foods that are sold on the roadside or fast food.(ver./vit )
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